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Christmas season changes


Things are going to be different this holiday season.

How many times have you said those very words but never followed through?

For me, it’s most years, but I never give up hope to make changes for a simpler season.

The thing I yearn to change the most this year is not falling into the commercialism mania.  Santas in the stores before Halloween freak me out.  Hearing “Deck the Halls” with skeletons and jack-o-lanterns nearby is a turn-off.

However, I buy little gifties year-round at estate and yard sales. Many times price tags are still on items. If I see a gift sure to make someone I know smile, I buy it, bring it home and store it in a trunk.




There are still many gifts to buy, so the determination has been made to shop at odd hours and stay home every weekend to avoid a sea of cars in parking lots and crabby crowd.

I ordered my favorite Christmas CD, a Walton Family Christmas album on eBay. This is a  collection of enchanting songs, loved as much as I still love watching reruns of that beautiful, family-oriented show. So I’m old-fashioned. Who cares? Not me.

Actually, I keep a stack of holiday CDs in the car to listen to all through the season.

Now I have to go back up to the attic to find a little lighted wreath to plug into the car’s antiquated cigarette lighter. Yeah, I really get into the season!

This year there are plans to attend concerts so I can hear beautiful, familiar carols. Another night I want to fill the car with kids and drive around town to look at all the pretty light displays.



[media-credit name=”Susan M. Wicker Guerrero” align=”alignleft” width=”225″][/media-credit]

Another goal is to sit quietly with just the Christmas tree lights glowing through the darkness. This will help facilitate time alone to think, thank and just “be,” rather than “do.”

Slowing down to really enjoy the season is among my plans. Now, I have to turn the plans into action and reality.

How about you? Any plans for change this coming Christmas season?

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Posted by on December 13, 2012. Filed under Columns,From the Heart,Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
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