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The library and the bell

Christmas came early for the Lenox Library in the form of a check for $2,000 from the board of selectmen to raise the bell at the library.

W. David Roche, the liaison to the library board of trustees from the selectmen, said there were left over funds from the recent painting of the building, and thus the monies should be used for the bell, as the town owns the building while the library trustees manage its operation.

Mr. Roche acknowledged The Berkshire Beacon’s publisher, George C. Jordan III, was prepared to spearhead a drive to raise money from the residents, noting this should be seen as a community bell.

Mr. Jordan had offered several ideas to the board of trustees, including anyone who donated $100 would have his/her name appear free on a special announcement page. Perhaps before the end of the year, the bell will be re-hung and it will help chime in the new year.

The Beacon offers its congratulations to the board of selectmen and wishes the library well in its annual campaign to raise funds for its many activities throughout the year under Executive Director Sharon Hawkes’ view.

We have a proud history with the building – once a courthouse and now a community library – and it serves its residents, the people from Berkshire County and our many tourists. With a bright shinning face, it is here to serve and be used.

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Posted by on December 6, 2012. Filed under Editorials,Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
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