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An inauguration invite

Once in a while, one gets an invite to a gathering, party or inauguration.

Certainly if you are a Democratic supporter and happy with the election, you would probably be willing to drive, take the train or fly to Washington, D.C.

After this past year, and with the missteps of the Republican Party and its candidate, Willard “Mitt” Romney, one could go to meet both the president, vice president and their staff and families.

I gave it a passing thought.

If I were to go it would be inconjuction with a congressman and his/her staff to assist with transportation, passage to the inner sactoum of the White House, a tour of Congress and perhaps a day or two viewing our national history.

Spring sounds more like the time to visit Washington.

Yet in the field of the fourth estate, we are one of a few to set course to offer our 32 cities and towns a regional weekly.

We celebrate our good fortune with a staff of reporters and writers bringing you fresh news and features. It is our advertisers who support The Berkshire Beacon and The Berkshire Sonata. We look to our readers to offer comments to us and to our advertisers, who, week in and week out, note their services and products.

Newspapers are a key to the success of our hometowns and bringing democracy to the front steps of our residents’ homes. The week of Oct. 4-10 is National Newspaper Week, which  recognizes the importance of our local hometown newspapers.

Perhaps we should get President Barack H. Obama to welcome the staff and management of local newspapers to Washington to celebrate in earnest our freedom of speech and the printed word.

Newspapers document the history and carry the stories that make our hometowns special. The Beacon has added an enviornmental reporter along with a political writer to help to ensure The Berkshires as a special place.
Maybe the president, in the near future, can tip his hat to the men and women who labor week in and week out at weekly newspapers not for the pay, but to bring you a readable product that reflects on the community in which you live.
Meanwhile, many from The Beacon staff will be going to Boston for the annual New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) conference in February to help us bring you a better product each week.

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Posted by on January 10, 2013. Filed under Editorials,Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
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