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Sobering thoughts on the Boston bombings

[media-credit id=3 align=”aligncenter” width=”300″][media-credit id=3 align=”aligncenter” width=”300″][/media-credit][/media-credit]The first thought that came to mind when hearing about the bombings at the Boston Marathon was that it was another terrorist attack, like the one in New York on 9/11.

Like thousands of others in the United States and around the world, I ran into the living room, clicked on the television and let the devastation unfold.

All the by-now familiar questions punctuated the air around me.


“Who did it?”

“How could such a monstrous thing happen?”

“How will it affect the children who witnessed it?”

“How will the families of those who died survive the sorrow of losing loved ones?”

We had already faced unspeakable evil many times before in our society.

The most recent mayhem took place just a few months ago, right before Christmas, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

Thoughts of  a deranged gunman, who snuffed out the lives of 20 beautiful, innocent little children and six staff members, still fill our minds and hearts.

Parents of those angels are still coping with losing their precious children. They still face empty seats at kitchen tables and long nights without story times and goodnight kisses.

Wasn’t that enough evil to last a long time? Apparently, it was not.

On Monday, as thousands gathered for a happy event, pandemonium happened again. Many families and individuals from throughout Massachusetts took advantage of a sweet one-day holiday, Patriot’s Day, to go to the marathon.

After witnessing the bombings and their aftermath, those spectators will never again be the same. They will never be able to be part of a crowd again without thinking back to that fateful April day in 2013 when all hell broke loose.

Visitors to Boston from throughout the United States as well as other countries, too, will look back on April 15 with horror, disbelief and sorrow.

It’s really hard to understand the minds and hearts of whoever was responsible for the bombings. What kind of thoughts go through such minds?

How could anyone in their right mind plan a series of bombings in crowds of people enjoying themselves, having fun on a Monday afternoon?


[media-credit id=3 align=”alignleft” width=”225″][/media-credit]For the runners, all the months of training, in preparation for the marathon, ended in such tragedy. It’s beyond pathetic. It’s horrible and senseless and sad.

Boston, a wonderfully historic city, has added a dark, sinister chapter that will never be forgotten. Ever.

It’s spring vacation in The Berkshires this week. People who planned excursions and carefree days of sweet freedom now have heavy hearts.

After Monday’s bombings, it’s hard to plan day trips and fun vacation week events. Instead, people are feeling full of grief as well as anger and fear.

Those who are so inclined will, once again, find solace in running for the protection and security of Almighty God. He is, after all, the same today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

He’s the only one who has the answers to why such events as Monday’s bombings happen.

Once again, Americans and people throughout the world, will hug each other, weep and hope for some semblance of a safe future for children.

Once again, we will remember those who have died violently way too soon, as well as those who were maimed and injured at the hands of utter evil.

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Posted by on May 9, 2013. Filed under Columns,From the Heart,Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
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