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Beacon Cinema search

In last week’s Berkshire Beacon edition, our reporter Bera B. Dunau wrote about the Beacon Cinema’s search of some of its patrons for items not sold within the building from candy to soda to alcohol.

Thus, The Berkshire Beacon calls for an investigation by the Pittsfield Licensing Board to ascertain whether or not and under what conditions a search is allowed of its patrons. The board did not grant the license to allow for unreasonable search by management at will.

This raises more of a question: How does the theater’s management, with an alcohol license, prevent underage drinking in a dark theater?

It appears that the theater’s management has opened up Pandora’s box. If the issue cannot be resolved, then the liquor license should be revoked.

People have an expectation they may move freely and not be part of an unreasonable search in the course of their daily lives.

One might argue with the Beacon Cinema’s management they have a right to inspect their patrons’ person along with pocketbooks and other carried items, but it does not fit the tenor of providing entertainment and subjecting the payee to an unreasonable search.

Management admits that they have not conducted in-depth “searches” in Great Barrington’s Triplex Cinema.

If management or its employees suspect someone, they should not admit and perhaps suggest the patron wait until the police can be summoned to ascertain if a crime has been committed.

Pittsfield is not a police state. There is a certain expectation when walks into the cinema that they will not be challenged or searched. They expect to pay for a ticket and be entertained for a period of time, not withstanding notice on the back of a ticket.

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Posted by on September 27, 2012. Filed under Editorials,Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
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